If you are interested in buying a commission, please refer to this page for rates. Complexity of the piece may affect the price of a commission.

Paper-cut dolls

Paper dolls must be a minimum of 2” with a maximum height of 12”.

  • 1”-6” : Starting at $50USD, including the price of materials and labor.

  • 7”-12” : Starting at $150USD, including price of materials and labor.

  • Large pieces that take over 12 hours will have an additional $15/hr fee.

Paper-cut illustrations

Illustrations must be at least 4”x6” with a maximum of 11”x17”.

  • Frame will cost an additional fee depending on the size of the illustration.

  • Full color layered illustration: starting at $50USD (4”x6”). Larger illustrations begin at $200USD. Pieces that take more than 12 hours will have an additional $15/hr fee.

  • Single-color “stencil cut” illustrations : starting at $25 (4”x6” - 5”x7”). Larger pieces begin at $55.

Digital illustrations

  • Portraits & busts: $50USD

  • Full drawings: Starting at $200USD. Pieces that take over 12 hours will have an additional $15/hr fee.

Needle Felting

  • Dolls 4”-6” begin at $75. Anything estimated to take over 8 hours has an additional $15/hr fee.

  • Dolls 8”+ begin at $150. Anything estimated to take over 10 hours has an additional $15/hr fee.